1722 - "Words like birds flew right around the world."

Sep 27, 2009 23:07

Never have I been so disappointed to be correct. Being right is kind of what makes my brain go 'round. But this time I wish I had been wrong. I'd pay money to have been wrong.

Steph and I? No longer together. Not in that sense at least. I knew it long before it happened. It wasn't my decision.
Steph and Anthony? Still together.
Everything else? Steph is going away to Langley, leaving time unknown, return time 4 months hence.

I'm not really up for talking about shit right now. I'm okay. Just tired.

more than the usual number of people, anthony, winter, kat can't be bothered to form paragraphs, coping mechanisms, all about me, stephanie gets her own tag, things fall apart, kat is inept, doing it wrong, funerals, things i do, my very own family, life is scary

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