1720 - "Your words are barricades."

Sep 24, 2009 08:21

Earlier this morning, I misinterpreted the word "crochet" as "crumpet" and I've been craving one ever since.


Not much to report actually.
I only finally now finished Ubik by PKD because I got distracted by A Nation of Farmers by Sharon Astyk and Aaron Newton which is one of the best books I've read on the "grow your own damn food" subject/movement. I've also been reading Astyk's blog as well which I find interesting. I don't agree with her all the time, but mostly I do and I really enjoy her writing.
Anyway, while Ubik is one of his more linear books, I've decided that next up is yet another unable-to-write-in-a-straight-line books, Junky by Burroughs. I'm only partway into the introduction since I didn't get to start it until Metrotown station.

Great Expectations is finished and was.... eh. I don't love it or hate it which is much less fun than outright hating it. I think it will be a while before I read more Dickens.
Then, a short interlude wherein I read Song of Kahunsha which was short but really really good. I loved the main character because Irani managed the fine difference between innocent and angelic wherein the character was definitely the first and very much not the latter even though he always did try to do the right thing. What happens when you have a naive 10-year-old who believes in the inherent goodness of everything and that even if something is not good now, it will be beautiful just by imagining it into being... then take him and drop him on the streets of ethnically-torn Bombay?
Next up? I just finished the editor/translator's introduction to the copy of The Republic by Plato. Why? Because I can. Because it's there. Because I might learn stuff. Because I am curious.

Also, I have decided that we need more reference books in the home library. Especially about plants (and animals!), so I grabbed this from the used bookstore on 15th.

good, books, things i do, accomplishing stuff, reading

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