1708 - "The anger that I feel must sleep somehow."

Sep 10, 2009 22:09

Anthony and I were having a conversation last night about books and I mentioned to him that I am in the middle of Great Expectations and he kept repeating his dislike for Dickens by saying, "It took 40 pages just to walk to Grandmother's house!"
Not that I am hugely fond of this book either, although I don't dislike it enough to stop reading yet, but it made me ask him, "What if PKD took 40 pages to walk to grandmother's house? Would you like it then?" That made me start thinking about other authors we both like and their takes on 40 pages of walking to Grandmother's house.

PKD: Are we really walking to Grandmother's house or is this all a psychic illusion? Are we really we? What is Grandmother's house anyway? What's up with the random commercials that keep appearing everywhere?

William Gibson: "Grandmother" is actually the virtual handle of a blue haired young man who is rather good at employing computers for illegal and sneaky uses. Due to excessive paranoia springing from the illegal nature of his activities and also his addiction to a hallucinagenic substance that makes you feel like you are one with the 'net, Grandmother is very hard to find. Hence why it takes 40 pages.

H.P. Lovecraft: By the time we get to Grandmother's house, several of us will be dead, the rest of us insane, and one of us has named a cat after a horrible racial slur.

Charles Bukowski: It took the protagonist so long to get to Grandmother's house because on the way he stopped to fight with a beautiful woman. They then had sex, fought some more and the man leaves to get drunk somewhere. At some point he pontificates about what it's like to grow up with severe acne and work at the post office.

That's just the ones I thought of off the top of my head. But I was amused by myself at least.

anthony, for science!, books, reading, this is why they think you're nuts, strange people say nice things

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