1700 - "Its just the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head"

Aug 20, 2009 11:23

I've counted into to a new century.
Was reading Sherri S Tepper's The Companions but got distracted by Camus. In the form of The Plague. God I love Camus.
Not that I'm not loving the Tepper book either. In fact it's quite good. Really nice sci-fi.
Finished Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis in my attempt to read more theology. I love theology. I really liked the writing style and he's got the closes argument anyone has ever given me that Christianity is a good idea. (Note: I didn't say "true", I just said "good idea".) There were a few logic gaps to jump over, but this was a good quick read.
Read Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. Really harrowing story of the 1996 Everest tragedy. I know there's some controversy about Krakauer's account of the situation, a lot of which he attempts to account for in this book. I also know there's "another side" to the story from the point of view of a Russian climber (now dead on Annapurna), but I tend to figure that when you're dealing with what is basically an environmental disaster at 8840m above sea level, there's bound to be a huge amount of variances in perception just due to the fact that your brain doesn't work very well at all when you're that high up. I don't tend to put a lot of credence in objective truth anyway, so reading "the other side" won't really bring me anywhere closer. Either way, whether "right" or "wrong" about it, Krakauer is a pretty good journalistic writer and I thoroughly enjoyed this. It made me want to climb mountains again.
Just a few pages into my next book, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. This is actually my first Dickens.


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