1696 - "May your soul's waters never wane."

Aug 14, 2009 14:50

Materialism ahoy.
I am in desperate search for a pair of tweed knickers/breeks: Like these ones.
Or these ones. (though preferrably NOT these ones.) For sale within Vancouver/Lower Mainland preferably. Real tweed/wool please.

Anyone know where I can get such a thing? You will forever have my gratitude and Stephanie's exasperation.

Kat Elliott has decided to become a mountain climber who hops trains, makes her own longbows and shapes her lawn into couches. Also, in her spare time, she's thinking of raising ducks.
This is my current facebook status... and it is not a lie.

hacking the gibson, for science!, clothings, things i do, stephanie gets her own tag, this is why they think you're nuts, nice things

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