1693 - "Only 19 days left before total annhiliation."

Aug 11, 2009 09:38

We have acquired a Stephanie!
Steph was here for the weekend and has since ended up with a cold and stayed extra days. It's been an adjustment. Not a bad thing mind you, but still, an adjustment.
Forgot to mention that Anthony's sister, her husband, Anthony's mother and 4 children under 6 were at our place on Sunday. For those of you who have seen our place, that's a lot of people. The place feels even smaller when Kabe+any combination of people is here, but that should really go without saying. Kabe makes any room smaller just by being in it. Little Jackson looks like he's on his way to a Kabelike presence in life though. He just needs to grow a little and develop an obsession with throwable objects.

I'm thinking of pulling some miniature lifehacks this fall. Nothing major, nothing status-quo-upsetting (yet), but just a few things to throw me out of my zone. Details to follow once brain catches up.

hacking the gibson, more than the usual number of people, anthony, cunning plans, family relations, lifehacks, stephanie gets her own tag, things i do, small children and/or pets

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