1688 - "Dreaming of a place far away, know that you were born here a stray."

Jul 30, 2009 11:37

Despite the fact that I am stressed to all high-hell and much scared of a lot of things, I am having a REALLY good idea-day. I thought up several ideas for my photography project at work, and came up with a bizarre, yet awesome idea regarding Anthony's education and how to get the best possible form of it while still maintaining our unit.
The solution?
Move to Qualicum Beach for a year.
All three of us.
Told you it was bizarre. And probably unworkable. (How the hell will I find a job?)(I suspect that this is a trick to make me acquire a car.)(Does Qualicum beach actually have a beach?)
But it might be fun!

more than the usual number of people, anthony, appropriate quotes are inappropriate, ideas! and plans!, stephanie gets her own tag, this is why they think you're nuts, for science!, not-so higher education, moving, my very own family, guitar, nice things

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