1668 - "And it's all your fault I screen my phone calls."

Jun 24, 2009 11:06

Steph spent the weekend plus a couple of days at our place. It was pretty awesome. But tonight is me and Anthony night which will consist of focusing on the two of us by buying stuff for Stephanie. We fail at exclusivity.

It's kind of funny, when my life is filled with drama, I can't write because I am either too busy drama-ing or too freaked out to write anything but when my life calms down, there's nothing to post! I need to stop being so boring.

Still no kale.

Lately my reading tends to be split in two. I have a book on my desk for reading at work and I have a book (Actually two books, because what if I run out?) in my bag for reading during my commute or at home.
My at-work book is currently Augustine's Confessions which I am loving. Yes I am a non-Christian and that is unlikely to change, but I do love me some really good spiritual writing which this is.
Next up will be the And-Now-For-Something-Completely-Different choice of Living My Life Vol. 1 by Emma Goldman because for some stupid reason I have never read this.

My commute/home reading has consisted of various fantasy novels lately because that's what I'm in the mood for. I consume them rather rapidly though. I think next up will be something a bit seriouser (which doesn't mean it won't still be fantasy.)

more than the usual number of people, anthony, stephanie gets her own tag, gardening, reading, boring living stuff

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