1635 - "Zorb"

May 01, 2009 22:56

Alright, here's the plan. I am lazy. I need to do a bunch of things in the next two weeks (because that is a length of time that is good.)

*Finish setting up the dresser.
*Hang drawing of a kitty in the bathroom.
*Return at least two cartloads of bottles.
*Find my camera batteries and charger.
*Apply for credit card.
*Finish planting seeds. (also, buy zuccini, other squashes.) Find dirt.
*Sweep leaves off porch.
*Clean off and get barbecue ready for use.
*Deposit inheritance cheque. (Wednesday)
*Make payment on Anthony's parent's medical bill. (Wednesday)


kat can't be bothered to form paragraphs, accomplishing stuff, boring living stuff, lists, things to do

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