1608 - "Turtles all the way down."

Feb 11, 2009 00:48

It's almost 1 AM. I just finished sewing up the seam on Anthony's falling apart pair of pants and I should be getting to bed.
From what I understand, the plan for tomorrow involves me picking him up with skateboards and we'll head home, stopping off at Marks Work Warehouse for a new pair of pants. I'd buy them for him, but my last two attempts at being nice from a distance have failed even when they should have succeeded (read: What I bought was the wrong size even though it shouldn't have been.) The original plan was to skate the seawall as has been the plan for over a month now. If I believed in fate, I would believe that we were fated to never go there again.

I've been watching a LOT of the L-Word (thanks Steph) and while it's not my second favourite thing in the entire universe, it's still pretty good. There's some very good stuff in there. I'm getting a bit of a warped view of the show though since I have watched the first season, a bit of the second and the first few episodes of the last. I keep thinking, "I'm missing something.... oh yeah! Four years!"
I got a bit of a brainstorm on my really good(?) idea for that wordpress blog I have sitting about. I think that I might work on it a bit tomorrow. Who knows? I'm bad at products, good at ideas.

I'm going to restart on Myth of Sisyphus again soon. I may be getting overoptimistic, but I think my brain can handle declarative sentences again.

life is good, tv, life is complicated, cunning plans, reading

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