This post is relevant to my interests.
popelizbet wants me to explain some things I am interested in. If you want me to demand to know why you like things that you do, just post a comment here.
abandoned buildings
Because they're empty. There's so much left to the imagination. Exploring them is fun!
being underneath bridges
I love the way everything else feels remote and far away and the way sound works and the way it's like hiding, but not.
dead zen men
This is sort of an inside joke from when Anthony and I were first together. He was raving about the awesomness of koans from
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones and I was making stupid comments about just how violent zen masters are (Really! They're constantly whacking their students with sticks.) Anyway, one day we were talking punk music and he IMed me the lyrics to Rudimentary Peni's Cosmic Hearse which contains the line, can't evade those dead zen men, and I wrote back, "Well damn those dead Zen men!"
And that struck me as really funny since I find myself hilarious, even if no one else does, and I repeated it ad nauseum for months and months and months.
My friend Starry even made me a tie-dye tshirt that says "Damn those dead Zen men" on it.
food not lawns
I like food, I hate lawns.
I haven't actually read the book of this title, but I liked the phrase so much that I added it.
Reference to Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves. The f was a transliteration of the oldstyle
long s and it struck me as funny.
(Also, if you haven't read this book, do so. It's the awesomest creepiest book ever.)
Not as awesome as bikes, but still pretty fun. I am scared as hell of riding them on anything resembling a hill though.
Because I am an non-professional evolution nerd. How organisms are related to each other and where they came from is amazing.
Because they make huge amounts of sense while at the same time confusing the hell out of me. They're the best thing to influence antiauthoritarian politics ever.
We don’t want a world where the guarantee of not dying
of starvation brings the risk of dying of boredom.
Another literary reference. This one is from The Raw Shark Texts which is another book you should read. Unspace is described as, "the unvisited, unnamed, and uninhabited empty areas beneath the normally used parts of the urban landscape." It's places that are overlooked, unused and unnoticed and can be used for communication, travel and strange journeys.
Damnit, now I want to re-read this.