To play: You comment, and I give you a letter. You choose 10 things you love that begin with that letter and share ...
eleika gave me a G. This is hard.
1. Gargoyles.
In looking up gargoyles, I learned something interesting today. A gargoyle is only a gargoyle if it functions as a water spout. If there is no water spout, it's called a grotesque. Which also begins with G.
2. Garlic.
3. German.
Any language which smushes words together without hypens is fine by me. Also, for some odd reason, I tend to break out into my limited German when I am watching movies that freak me out. "Das ist nicht gut! Nicht gut!"
4. Gravity.
I don't so much like gravity, but am interested in it. We might even see some gravitons thanks to the Large Hadron Collider. Go gravity!
5. Googolplex.
[n] - a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by a googol of zeros (ten raised to the power of a googol)
It's really big.
6. Geronimo.
Always thought he was pretty awesome.
7. Gorillas.
Way awesomer than chimpanzees. Cuter too.
8. Gamelan.
A gamelan is a single instrument comprised of seperate parts each played by a separate person. The whole set is tuned together (but slightly offset so you get the fun buzzing effect) and you can't interchange gamelan parts with other gamelans. it's like the social insect of the musical instrument world. Plus, they play in these bizarrely offset rhythms that are just beautiful.
9. Gould, Stephen Jay
He's probably the best popular science writer that I know of. He also co-invented the concept of punctuated equilibrium which I understand is a bit out of vogue with the evolutionary community lately, but I have faith in it's eventual triumph. He's dead though which makes me very sad and reluctant to read his books for the sole reason that, what if I run out?
10. Ginger.
Especially in candied form or ale form (but not Canada Dry or anything like that, REAL ginger ale.) I'm one of those weirdos who eats all the pickled ginger from her plate when she orders sushi.
Anyway, if any of you peoples wants a letter, I can assign you one.
P.S. Wikipedia is bad. I got so enthralled reading about absolute zero and oxygen in liquid form and superfluids that I almost forgot to do work.