Well I thought I knew ... that when people in the USA say "yard work" they mean what we Brits call "gardening"
But what is the difference in the USA between yard work and gardening?
I have to translate, would you believe a sentence from USAnian to Brit-speak, that refers to doing "yard work or gardening" and one that refers to "digging in the garden
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It's been quite an eye-opener for me, finding out just how much the concepts don't map onto each other between USA and UK usage - for instance, I've been speaking to one person born and brought up in the USA (though I don't know where) and now living and gardening in the UK, who reckons there could be gendered connotations - and possibly connotations of high- or low-skilled work - between USA-yard work and USA-gardening that just don't translate easily to UK usage (>.<)
I know the old divided-by-a-common-language thing, but this is proving quite curious :-)
Anyway, juuuust in case you have a minute still - would you say there's any notion that either of yard work or gardening is definitely more or less physically taxing than the other?
Many thanks for your help!
Eh, I'm pretty bloody shocked too to learn there is no mandatory paid holiday time in the USA. And no mandatory pregnancy leave - afaik the only first-world country in the world not to have any! All of which is particularly close to home right now, with our shoot-ourselves-in-the-head brexit disaster going on, that I see a lot of our tory party apparently hell-bent on copying only what's bad from the USA (like gutting the NHS even more ( ... )
I didn't know that about AE being related to northern England usage/accent! Reminds me (I expect you know this) about the discussions lately of Shakespeare being written in and for South-West England accent and rhythms - which are also responsible for "Pirate" speak *g*
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