Went to the anti-Trident demo yesterday - and completely failed to take any photos, so this is nicked from the Guardian (the view from the "stage" towards the crowd as people were arriving; if you can make out the two cops in their hig-vis jackets who are filming the crowd from the left-hand steps into the National Gallery, I'm pretty much directly
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Actually, one nice thing about the rally was the great range of ages - there were a lot of older people who had very probably been on the big marches of the early '80s themselves, but the average age was much much younger - though I only saw a sprinkling of actual children myself, I saw a lot of student-age and thirty-ish people. Need much bigger numbers to make a difference at the elections, though - we'll see how it goes in May!
And I like to think that she might have written a line or two about the bloke in the kilt who had brought along his bagpipes on the back of a bike (his mate wheeled the bike along while he played), and the other one who'd brought along some sort of Viking-ish horn - the two of them were playing near each other for a bit of the way along the route, very battle-cries-across-the-North-Sea!
I think she would have loved it, yes. And she would have gone and talked to them all too, so she would!
Heh, love it! :D
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