In isolation

Mar 27, 2020 16:19

There was an exquisitely beautiful moon last night over the sea, and Venus hanging in the branches of a Norfolk pine.  It's a beautiful, beautiful day.
I'm back in Australia after being given "leave" directions from the program I'm on.  It was a long, rather jumbled journey (just cancellations, that sort of thing).  Didn't want to leave VN, which still maintains its brilliant record of effective response to COVID-19, and my reluctance was confirmed on arrival at Sydney airport, to find nobody (not even the immigration officers!) wearing masks, nobody keeping a distance, nobody even bothering to check the temperatures of arriving passengers.  I do think that's changing now - or that it will change soon.

And I'm in self-isolation - though nobody has bothered to check that I'm conforming to the advice/instructions given.  (Meanwhile, in Hong Kong arrivals are tracked by mobile phone tracking and by bracelet.  Easy-going laid-backness has its charm, Australia, but it's blinking useless as a response to an epidemic.) 

daily living

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