My internet-handling has gone a bit wonky, so this post is out of order - and due to unexpected circs I'm travelling again, so may be slow to respond to people's posts. But three quick things before I hastily redd up the house (who knows that phrase?) and pack.
First... a new eating experience! The other day some friends gave me a couple of clusters of a fruit new to me - if you'd call it a fruit? Clusters of fruit the size of those very small grapes, with dark burgundy velvety shell/skin on the outside, which when cracked reveals a smaller than chickpea sized (larger than lentil) seed covered in thin, dried-out pulp - you don't eat it, you just suck it for the barely sweet, pleasingly tart taste, until the flesh is all gone. Does that sound familiar to anyone?
and here's a link to a picture worth seeing:
a seal rides a whale.
and here's an article I enjoyed reading:
English weather in literature and art
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