Eight hours later.

Jul 16, 2005 10:07

I am finished.


I expected Dumbledore. I think most people did.

But never, EVER, did I think it would happen like that. It's inconcievable. I do not understand. I will never be able to look at Snape in the same way. HOW CAN THIS BE?! DID I IMAGINE IT? I am already forming theories for how Snape is still on the side of GOOD (the hesitation before entering the vow with Narcissa, the fact that Snape may be a powerful Occlumens but Dumbledore is a powerful Legilimens, he HAD to kill Dumbledore because he'd promised Narcissa, my own general all-encompassing disbelief), but I fear he's just bad. Because Avada Kedavra? You have to mean it for it to work. And it seems that he really meant it. Oh god. *WIBBLES* It's the best twist ever. And what a shocker that Amelia Bones was dead before the book begun.

I have this to say: ZOMBIE PEOPLE IN THE WATER WTF Lord of the Rings esque? Yes, No?

I cried twice, once with laughter (really! U NO POO brought tears to my eyes) and once in grief (he trusted Snape, and that breaks my heart in two. It's not just sad, it's downright tragic and I cried on and off from the death till the end)

The shipping. H/G made me very queasy to begin with. I sorta started to get used to it at the end. I like Ginny, but not enough time was spend exploring why Harry liked Ginny (We were expected to assume that naturally he would, because she's so fab and all. But we didn't see many actual conversations between them, unless I'm forgetting something). Also, for the first time for me, I thought R/Hr was more likely than H/Hr. Not sure how I feel about the OBHWFization of canon, so I'm avoiding shipping forums for as long as it takes for the shippers to stop squeeing.
ETA: Scratch that. I do know how I feel about it - I don't like it. I wish there'd been less shippy Trio & Ginny stuff. It went on too long, I think.

It's not all bad - I liked the Remus/Tonks, and LOVED Fleur/Bill especially the bit at the end. And thankfully, the only canon ship I truly care about (L/J) was not debunked. Lily Evans, Potions Mistress, yay! o.O

This book was hilarious in places. Apart from U NO POO, Mollywobbles sparked a 1:30am gigglefest. Yep, I am ten years old.

RIDDLE BACKSTORY YAY. Clearly, Tom was the freakiest kid ever. Strangled rabbits and such, erk. I do not want to know what happened in that cave, though no doubt someone will write it (I've already seen post-HBP fics around! How can you people write so fast?!). It wasn't a book for eight year olds, methinks. Loved his mother's backstory, because I've always been interested in Riddle/Marvolo lore. And I got the ring thing half right. Yays.

DRACO. :OOOOOOOOO VANISHING CABINET OMGWTF HAND OF GLORY WTF ROOM OF REQUIREMENT. He's a clever little bugger, if he thought that up all by himself. But he wouldn't have killed Dumbledore! *wails* Help him, Harry!

I love Luna so much.

SNAPE is the HALF-BLOOD PRINCE ... Huh? I did not even guess when reading, I was all wtf! when he said it was him. That's it, I'm not making any predictions for Book 7 :D

And Jo cheated! The first two chapters were not Harry POV! But! They were fricken brilliant anyway.

Oddly, I kinda missed CAPSLOCK!HARRY a bit at the beginning, but he's growing up so fast. Bless.


Um um um. I'm sleepy. I sorta felt it dragging a bit in the middle, something felt missing somehow, but that was probably exhaustion. I'd need to re-read to put my finger on it. And I started to get a headache around 4ish and such.

SO! On first read, I think this may be the best one yet, certainly top two. And from me that's saying a lot, given that it contains the dreaded H/G.

Everything has changed. WTF. Will post proper thoughts later. Y'know, with actual sentences instead of random bullet points. :)

Oh god. I need to read it again already.

Thank you, JKR.

hbp reaction

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