So, I went to
nimoloth's Hallowe'en party last night. Quite a few other people from LJ were there (although I knew them all before I knew them on LJ, since I went to uni with most of them). The party was great, and my experimental toffee flavoured apples went down quite well. We even bobbed for apples, which I haven't done in years and years. I wish I'd had a camera - there's nothing like watching grown people making a fool of themselves by trying to catch a floating apple with nothing but their teeth to brighten up the day!
Speaking of bright days, today was miserable. Well, the morning wasn't so bad, but the afternoon - bah! I had to go to the bank to see if my debit card had come through. I ordered it 2 weeks ago today, and they promised me it would be here. Surprise, surprise, it wasn't, because the nicompoops who work in what used to be my local branch in England couldn't arrange a p**s up in a brewery, let alone, *gasp*, checking the computer to make sure the card was being delivered to the right address. So the helpful lady in my new local branch in Paisley spoke to the idiots on the phone, and hopefully it will be here on Friday.
On my way to the bank, I discovered that my lovely silver umbrella, which survived two years in Glasgow before I left, and then two years elsewhere, has been broken! One of the arms (or whatever they're called - I'm not an expert when it comes to umbrella skeletal names) has snapped, making one side of the brolly very lopsided. In a strong wind (which there was today), it flaps about manically, threatening to poke your eye out. Brilliant. So now I need to find a new umbrella that doesn't have hideous pink bits all over it, but isn't boring blue/black etc either. Gah! It took me ages to find my silver one. *pout*
On the plus side, I've been watching Gilmore Girls; Season 5, thanks to
kyizi, who got them from
loriel_eris. I think I'm going to like Logan, although I've only seen him in one episode so far.