I'm currently in Dallas right now. At Sarah's place. Very nice place if you ask me...
In about 12 hours I'll be back on the road to San Antonio where I think I belong. I'm not sure where I belong right now.
My mind's been a complete disaster ever since I was notified that Greyson had a heart issue during the meet and had to be taken to the hospital.
Me + human emotions + fursona with strong emotions that he doesn't display + the fact that I display emotions freely = nervewracked kitty... and an upset one at that. Found out that someone I like is more than likely seeing someone else... found out that another likes me but doesn't want to be mates.. another non fur likes me but is going to go to grad school and my ex found another (which I'm happy about and hopes she does well with whomever she's seeing)
Sarah bought me FFV and FFVI for PS1 and got a GIANT hug and scritch after that.. ^_^ (if she didn't... I prolly forgot and will give it to her next time I see her)
Played a fun little game
http://homepage.mac.com/pockyrevolution/nanaca_crash.html Very odd... but fun... My record: 7869.98m distance, 370.94m highest arc. WOOT.
My roommate got FFXI installed on his system and it's updating at this current time (thank you YIM and IRC ) so hopefully me and him will get to play. (which brings me to update Kilasula's LJ sometime in the near future..)
I had fun during my three days here in Dallas and want to do it next month as well but that depends on money issues (and job issues...)
So I'll sign off for now and go to bed....... now realizing that this is prolly my longest post since I started LJ...... without memeing of course....(checked and confirmed)