(no subject)

Dec 09, 2004 23:53

You are one of the Sindar, the noble Grey-Elves of
Middle-Earth. Wise and fair you are like a
young birch-tree in the morning sun. You love
deep shadows of the great forests and the stars
of Elbereth Gilthoniel the most. But beware the
Sea. Once your hear the crying of the qulls
your heart will be turned in to the West

Other Elves of your race: Legolas Greenleaf,
Celeborn and Gildor Inglorion

-Berio i dur Belain i ven lin ne vorn!-(May the
power of Valar protect you on your path in the

Which Tolkien Elven race do you belong to?
brought to you by Quizilla


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