It is a beautiful sunny day outside and I am lonely...sigh.
Ex-boyfriends, getting lost, taking a busride not knowing where
I would end up, food, my brother (younger) and mother. Handwritten elsewhere
will have to type up,post later.
Such intimate dreams.
Noticing the color of an exes eyes appreciating his profile
realizing my conflict...then. Realizing how in love I am now.
I was such a loose but focused cannon back in the day.
Last night we finished watching Dead Again. An old school favorite of mine.
Had not seen it since 91 and he had never saw it. There were slender parts
where I felt rather misty? I am feeling rather sentimental lately and personal.
Not like me.
Took pictures today.
I feel like Rosie the Riveter and I am ok with that!
So dehydrated. Bad at drinking fluids. Have not had a glass of water since...
Wednesday? Even that was a few sips from a bottle when I went horseback riding.
My lips are soooooooooooooooooo dry and hair breaking. Going natural is hard.
Look at my woeful garden! Not enough sun. Next year will be herbs and a rock garden. Ha!