Oct 14, 2004 20:27
Live journal kids are great at complementing. You guys are all so gosh darn positive..
So here's what I ask:
*Say something negative about me.
*Something constructive, or just something you've observed. Just something that isn't so damn positive.
*I've found that if you want to show sincerity to someone, you sometimes have to mention the negative.
*Let's call this constructive criticism.
!!!!****I'm begining to think how false this all is. So prove me wrong. Remember, you're all hiding behind that safe little thing called a computer screen. Leave something negative under anannonymous comment if you wish, I just ask that you say something.
Nobody's perfect. You know that, I know that. So please, don't pretend we are. Be as harsh or "around-the-bush" as you want.
;) and don't worry, I can take it. If I can't it'll be my own damn fault.
So please do this..maybe I'll return the favor some day :)