Nov 13, 2009 16:21
it's been ages. again. i've been busy. i'll tell you. well, busy maybe but not so much after 5 in the evening.
ok. so, mondays typically i'm volunteering in the great outdoors, at a national trust for scotland property called newhailes. it's sometimes good, although it's a bit slow, easy going, part-time and there's not so many people which says it's quiet on the socialising side. but it's not bad, or nae bad, i guess i should say.
tuesdays and wednesdays are each split into two, with part of each day spent looking for jobs or applying for jobs, and the other half of them volunteering in a psychiatric hospital. the place -the royal edinburgh- has a library for patients, and since i've been sending out job applications to be an assistant librarian it's got to be good to volunteer in a library -right? well i'd emailled the city council who never got back to me, and i emailled the national library, who eventually turned me down, but i found this place by chance. it's not important to me that it's in a hospital, or that the patients are -without joking about it- mental.
thursdays and fridays are -or were- kind of similar. at the start they were half days; the mornings doing more job hunting/applying (or something cultural, like a visit to the dean) and the afternoons were volunteering for the national trust for scotland at the georgian house. it's a visitor attraction, a house as built around 1796, with all the furniture and stuff from that period -hence the name. anyway i saw that they needed help in the shop, so i said i'd be happy to help them -they said that they were short on these two afternoons a week, although now it's november it's shorter hours, so that's changed to 11-3 instead. still, it's a kind of half day when there's a little bit of time beforehand and another bit of time after it. not a lot though. so it was wednesday morning when i made another little visit to the dean gallery -the one where i used to work.
i didn't get the job in gloucestershire, or the one in glasgow. it happens that a letter was sent to me to tell me 'no' from glasgow on the same day that i applied for another job there -this one in the museums run by culture and sport glasgow. well i hardly expect to hear back about that for ages to come yet, given their history.. anyway that one was a bit odd, because i found the job in the morning and started work on the application form here in edinburgh. in the day i went south to the midlands and there i was, in bridgnorth library to fill in the rest of the form and to submit it from there.
i'd been back to shropshire for the weekend to meet up and join in with the volunteers bonfire weekend -lots of cutting down and burning trees on the dudmaston estate. been there before, done that before, with them. it was the first time i'd met up with the guys (and women) since july, so it was nice to see some of them, although we soon ran out of conversation after they'd said 'how are you?' and i'd said 'how are you?' -the truth is that we never really did talk all that much in the first place. and i'd known that. and i'd had a dread, a fear, a pause, a hesitation before i booked the tickets to go south.
the plan had included staying in ironbridge for a night with jackie and sam and aline, but that didn't end up happening. i just came straight back up to edinburgh, which was a shame. but i didn't want the same to happen again -to say 'hello' and for them to say 'hello' back and that be about it. uncomfortable nerves.
this week my flatmate andy left. i didn't know he was going to, not even on the day he did. well, i'm presuming he has, since he posted his key back through the door and left a note for me in the kitchen. jude went up to inverness at the start of the month, although sensibly she hasn't left a forwarding address for any post -though she hardly read her mail even when she was here. she said she'd come down once every now and then, so i guess she might be here around the weekend -but you never know, maybe not.
i've been waiting for my phone to ring and surprise me (it would be a surprise if my phone rang) and have someone say 'you know that job aplpication form you filled in? well,...' and have my life take a different direction again. there've been so many application forms get sent out, i'm trying right. you only need for one to come good. i don't expect my phone to ring, but it's always there just in case. of course, it never does ring. it never used to either, it's just now that i'm waiting for it to.