white on blonde

Aug 17, 2009 19:43

jude still hasn't said a word about that job offer she got, but then we've hardly spent much time in the same place at the same time, and usually when we do she's knackered, or it's nighttime and we're each in our own bed.
then again, we had two people come to look at the flat with a view to renting out the currently spare room last week, so she can't be giving the place up or kicking me out.
last weekend was a bit weird; jude went away to skye for the weekend to go diving, and at the same time she let two of her friends come round to stay in the flat. i never actually saw said people, since on friday night i was out in the city to see a film (and then hang out) with kathryn and her friend 'smelly', and also mainly due to me getting out early to go to work, so when i went to bed i was alone in the flat, but when i woke up these two friends of jude's were in (her room). then i'd go out, and some time after that, they must have woken up. done whatever they did.
last night i was out to see a show -optimism, at the international festival. i thought that would guarentee good quality, rather than the patchy fringe stuff, and to be fair, it was a really good interpretation of candide (by voltaire). i'd read candide over the week, in preparation to go to see the show, and i finished the book on the sunday afternoon -but i wasn't struck by anything, it wasn't something that i 'got', or understood. and seeing the show.. well, i said it was good, but it wasn't my style, i didn't like it. it felt a bit daft -i didn't exactly love the book so why should i have loved the play? but it was good to go to the theatre, and the royal lyceum is a wonderful old venue, really tight to the stage.
at the end of the month i'll go to see another theatre piece, and that's another night out with kathryn, so that should be good, i hope. there's some optimism!
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