Time for the monthly art post :P This time it's a picture story of some kind. Sorry, but the picture is kinda big, too (600 x 1090 pixels). Rating G. openCanvas + Wacom. (Sometimes I think I'm the only person left who still uses oC. Most people have switched to SAI.)
As I finished drawing the main part, I realised it reminded me of a certain Polish songs, which goes along these lines: "Come and colour my world with hues of yellow and blue" (not a literal translation, but I tried to fit the lyrics to the music). Well, the connection wasn't intended as the original colour scheme was completely different and there were more black and red in it. And the girl's hair was a bit shorter. The initial idea was "Connected (by fate)". Nevertheless, it ended like it did.
And the question is: What did you gather from the story in the picture? :P