Title: Unspoken
Rating: PGish/PG-13 (if using one "bad" word makes it PG-13>.>)
Characters: Itachi, Shisui
Genres: General with bits of humour and angst
Warnings/ any squicks: None
Word count: 1740
Summary: There are questions that have to be asked and answers that should be given. There are things that Shisui wants to know and things that Itachi
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I still love the line regardless XD And him n this as well. Like I said, I've seen him portrayed in a lot of ways, so it's nice when you come across one you can see yourself in such a subjective field!
Ahhh. . .maybe it depends on the degree to which it's been absorbed into the society? Like the ninja term, which we use instead of some sort of translation/conversion of the term in English. I took a few years of Japanese, so maybe it just sounds funny to me when I read it that way, lol! Something interesting to consider though! [Sorry, for dorking out on grammar here, lol.]
I take it as a big compliment especially after hearing it from a fellow writer XDD ♥
I don't mind XDD I happen to discuss about such stuff myself. At least sometimes when I seem to have too much time on my hands and try to create some crazy theories, which I prove thanks to analyzing the grammar structures used XDD;; Crazy me :P
Quite welcome [definitely deserved it]! And it is really nice when you get to hear from other writers <3 ^^
LoL. I spent 4 years analyzing the way things were written in books and making a case for something out of them so I completely understand that XD It makes for some good entertainment sometimes!
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