Nov 17, 2009 18:52
Being on hit list of entire PvP guild. It sucks, because you are being ganged all the time and it is hard with them having 800+ resilience and excellent healer. At the same time it makes things interesting. I starting guerilla war these days.
Also, being on hit list of Ally on my server by my feeling and judging from them targetting me. (Much different from Ken. They want to have babies with him. :P) lolol... I use to be very nasty PvP Ret and killed most of the stuff that crossed my path and now I am learning to be nasty Holy. I already laugh at te at times and building towars 100.000 pvp kills and title "of the Horde". At 63K kills right now.
So passes my time towards Icecrown raids. So all of you laughing at me for being Ret. HA! 6.3K (as RET!)dps in heroic Trial of the Crusader and I am not even done with gear.
Also I love my ScOrn premades. We almost beat Alliance premade that had 40 people with only 19 people. Guerilla war that lasted for like at least and hour. Can't wait for more.
On the other news I am slowly getting ready for the move. I am moving in with my best friend Eva and I can't wait. It has been all too long. Screw everything else. *smirk*