Dec 24, 2006 01:22
The cat was away for the whole day.
First off the dog chased her up a tree, so high that the neighbour had to fetch a ladder and save her.
I thought that only happened in movies. XD
Then she disappeared.
I went to find her around dinner time, and found her in a yard about two houses away.
She was cold and meowed when she saw me.
I brought her home but she just ran to the nearest window, got out on the sill and after careful deliberation jumped down from the second floor.
This she did twice.
The last time I went searching for her I found her again in the same yard, shaking and meowing, took her home and closed all the exits. She wasn't too happy, but at least she's not growling or clawing anymore.
After I left for Eiríkur's house my mom texted me saying she finally ate something, first time today.
She seems a bit calmer today. I hope it'll pass tomorrow.
Christmas tomorrow! ^^