Choosing the Right Roof for Your Home

Sep 11, 2015 12:58

New homeowners often underestimate the importance of choosing the right roofing materials and colors. Roofs have the vital responsibility of keeping you and your loved ones safe, but they also have a major role in what your home looks like, and the wrong color can throw off the vibe you want your home to give. Color is only one factor to consider when constructing a roof, there are several other factors that should be nailed down before construction begins. If you are overwhelmed by all the roofing factors, here are a few ways to help you choose the best roof for your home.

Choosing the right materials

Materials are the most important decision to make, because they are what keep you safe. Depending on the climate you live in, evaluate weather and other factors that can wear on a roof. You obviously want your roof to be durable, and last perhaps a lifetime with little maintenance. Consider the materials that your neighbors and other homeowners in the area use, and do not be afraid to ask them why they chose those materials. Know the style you are going for, so you can choose materials that only enhance that style.Bob Vila says that roofing materials have a lot to do with style and curb appeal.

Choosing harmonious colors

The color of your roof should showcase the colors of the exterior of your home. If a large portion of your roof is visible from the street, consider using colors that are more subdued as not to distract from the other features of your home. The color of your roof should complement the materials of your home, so if your home is made of bricks, do not choose a heavily patterned roof that fluctuates in color and causes a chaotic vibe.

Choosing the best price

Price is always on the mind when building a home, but sometimes the cheapest option is not the best option. Higher prices often indicate better quality, but you want to make sure those higher prices also include robust warranties and longer lifespans of the materials. Consider how much maintenance you have time for, and if your time is already limited, it might be worth the price for a roof that requires little to no maintenance. Do your research to find the cheapest options, and then visit several roofing contractors to see who can offer you the best deal.Good contractors will be honest about the best materials, even if they are more expensive than you would like, and the contractor will also be honest as to if they are worth the price or not.

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