Organizing Your Home to Simplify Your Life

Jul 02, 2015 13:09

Most homeowners cringe at the idea of organizing their home because before a home can be organized, a lot of mess has to be sorted through. While organizing might not be the most fun project, once your home is organized you will notice a lot of stress, anxiety and tension will be gone from your home. Clutter and mess has a way of bogging down happiness, but organizing your home will allow more happiness, and should be done on a regular basis. Here is some advice for organizing your home in order to simplify your life.

Everything needs a home

Decluttering can be the hardest part of organizing a home, but it doesn’t have to be. The easiest way to get rid of unnecessary clutter is by making sure everything you own has a place, and the items that don’t have a place you don’t need. House Mix Blog suggests that you try not to own more than one of anything unless it is absolutely necessary. Multiples of the same item just add more clutter and more mess for you to worry about. Work your way from room to room getting rid of unnecessary items so open up space and start a more simple life.

Needing vs. wanting

We have all been victims of stores making us believe we need to purchase items that we really don’t need. When you feel the urge to buy something, fist consider if it is something that will be used on a regular basis. Once it has passed that test, ask yourself if you already own something similar to the item that can be used for the same purpose. If you still think you need the item, determine where it will go in your home. If you can’t think of a place for it to go, you don’t need it.

Where to start organizing

What makes organizing a home so stressful is trying to organize it all at once. You might be anxious for a simpler life, but be even more patient and organize one room at a time to prevent you from creating an uncontrollable mess and becoming overwhelmed. Start in the rooms you spend more of your time in such as the kitchen and living rooms. Understand the space you have to work with and consider where you would like more space. Empty each drawer, closet, pantry and shelf getting rid of unnecessary items to open up space and make the room feel clean rather than cluttered.

Organization tools

As you make your way from room to room, make a list of organization tools that would benefit you such as bins, baskets, shelves, drawer dividers, pull out drawers and other tools that would make your life more simple and convenient. You will be amazed how much space organization tools can open up.

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