May 14, 2006 07:02
So I went to commencement last weekend, it was lovely. Mom and Dad and Grandma were happy to see me walk across the stage. It was a little weird to be back at Marshall after being gone so long and working in the "real world" and all that jazz, but at least I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in awhile. I had forgotten that I had so many friends in the COS, it always seemed like all my friends were on SS.
We got the news on Friday that Akzo Nobel will be moving the Cleveland lab to Nashville TN in December. Since I don't want to move to TN I'll have to start looking for something new. Anything in Northern to Central OH in paint or powder coatings. We'll see where that takes me. At least I can still be earning money while I'm looking for a new job.
I fell down the stairs Thurday morning. It hurt alot. Then I went to work all day and it hurt even more. I rested all day Saturday and I'm feeling alot less stiff and bruised now. I'm glad nothing got broken since I decided I wouldn't be needing health insurance right now.
It's been raining since Wednesday. It has totally stopped any work I could be doing in my garden. Compost is heavy enough to move when it's dry, I couldn't possibly do it when it's wet. Last frost date is the 15th so I need to get out there real soon and get things planted.
Zach and Dana had their senior prom last night. They looked adorable. Dana's dress was hugely puffy and she put a crinoline under it to make it even puffier. She had never worn a puffy dress in her entire HS dance time so she just went all out. Zach had a tux with tails, he looked pretty cute. I had to take the pictures of them since Mom and Dad are in MI this weekend for the tulip festival. They looked so sweet together.