(no subject)

Oct 02, 2009 15:28

Well I appear to once again have gravitated towards this thing called LJ. Dear reader, I fear I may disappoint you today. After so long of not being here, I'm sure a great many of you have gotten ready for one of my famous rants. It seems though that in the last... Well months really, not much has happened that warrants a rant. That could perchance be the reason as to why I've not been here much. You see, life's been good to me, minus the minor hiccups that happen to everyone.

That being said, you must be curious as to what I could possibly need to get off my chest here. And I can assure you I too am most curious as to what I will have appear on the page before me as I sit in my chair, resting comfortably with a steaming cup of tea on the desk beside me. The glow of the monitor is rather soothing as I take the occasional pause, my mind clearing to find something which might be of some interest to you dear reader.

At first thought I consider discussing with you my addiction with World of Warcraft, and the glory of having recently gotten a Brewfest mount. Then I realize that it's highly unlikely any of you know what a Brewfest mount is, or why this is a big deal to me. So I toss that idea out the window so to speak and move on.

The next thought I have is to discuss the job interview I had yesterday, and though I'm sure many of you would be happy for me and want to ask how it went and such, I know that this is a discussion I should hold off on until I know if I've gotten the job or not.

So where does this leave us? Obviously there is little that I deem worthy of more than a passing phrase to mention...

I suppose I could tell you about how I'm playing games with more people. I could tell you that I go out and spend time with friends weekly rather than basking in the dim light of my computer every day as I've been known to do in the past. Shawn and I spend time together as well, at almost every available opportunity, which is becoming less and less as he too enjoys to company of his computer almost as much as I.

I miss Jabe. But at least he also plays World of Warcraft, and as such I can see him there several times a week.

There really does not seem much for me to say past this dear reader. Until when next we meet again I suppose.

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