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Jul 09, 2009 11:46

I'm spending too much time awake at night. I've been staying up until 1-1:30 talking to a new gentleman caller every night, which isn't good for him or me since he's up at 6:30 and I'm up around then as well. Things are going well between he and I. Last night we did the 'get to know you 20 questions' and every answer he gave is one that I approve of. It's interesting how you look and search and try to find someone to complete your life. Someone that is acceptable to be with you for as long as you can imagine, and when you stop looking, you find them. Doesn't matter how hard or long you looked for them, they just kind of show up and you're left with the whole, there's no more need to search.

That's what's happened here. I searched and sought out and etc etc etc and then when I took a break from it all, all but giving up, I found my ex who was a fantastic person but really was a transitional relationship for me. After we broke up, almost immediately this new guy popped up. I wasn't looking, in fact I was gearing up to take a break from the world of romance for a long time, but he was there. We started talking, and spending time together, and now I spend my days bouncing from chores to the computer to see if he's responded to my most recent comment, and to see if I've gotten a poke on Facebook from him. It's a school girl crush, but it's powerful for the simple fact that I'm longing for someone and someone has stepped into the void. A better candidate than the ex was at that. I've always sought culture in my partner. This guy has it. I've always sought intelligence, again he has it.

I'm leery to put too much stock into everything. In all likely hood if I did that I'd end up imagining things and possibly fooling myself into believing that he's as good of a match as he seems to be. I don't believe in love at first sight, and I don't believe in soul mates. There is I think one person that compliments completely but a million others that are close enough. If that weren't the case no one would ever get married cause the chances of finding a soul mate is damn near impossible. I'm taking things slow, but it'd be awesome if he were one of my millions. I'm tired of looking. I just hope that I've found.

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