Mar 16, 2009 12:15
What a weekend. I got in from work around midnight the friday and was out again 8am the next day, got to my moms and went out for my haircut, then met with Aaron and walked to Asda to meet Ems, went to hers and got PISHED. Like, sooo drunk there are times of the night that are a complete and horribly empty blur... so, I don't think I will be doing that again soon. I'm still feeling kinda rough now so it's obvious that my body cannot handle nights like that anymore - i'm too old. BUT there were times that I had a really good time, and I felt really pretty. I also remember nearly losing a shoe cus the dance floor was just THAT sticky. Ew.
But it has been agreed that the next time I see emms we are going to do something civilised. And when we do go clubbing together (because, at the end of the day, we both like to dance and that's why we go) we are NOT going to drink beforehand.
Maybe just one..