
Mar 19, 2005 12:25

Uh-oh, once again it seems to have been an inordinately long time since I updated my LJ. I have to admit that this is mainly simply because I don't feel I should update unless I have something particularly exciting to say, and most of the time, I don't really.

Let's see, a summary of the past term...

Well, I spent obscene amounts of money (literally obscene) and don't quite know where it went. Well, a couple of trips to my favourite shop's 75% off sale (for some reason, it feels like such a bargain when you find something reduced from £300 to £80 you forget that 3 or 4 things reduced like that is still a lot of money...). Alos have eaten out an obscene amount - guess that might have had something to do with it.

Haven't really gone out that much, have been quite quiet on the clubbing front anyway. But have managed 6 black tie dinners, which I feel is quite impressive. And have spent a lot of time with the more quiet of my friends, mainly because michael won't run screaming from them, which he does from people like Geb and Sumeep.

And speaking of, after a term of on-off-on-off soap-opera-esque extraordinaire, things have finally settled down slightly, and we've managed to go almost 3 weeks without either of us freaking out or doing something particularly stupid! I feel that's impressive, especially given the drunkenness of Wednesday night. Also going to stay for 3 nights on Monday (gulp)...

Work? What work? Feeling quite lucky in that the only one of my supervisors who gave me a report was the only one I went to both my supervisions for! So my tutor thinks I'm doing fine. Essentially, if I don't work my arse off over the holidays, I'm screwed....

So will be a fun holiday for me!! Well, going skiing so yayness for that! Also am going to Disneyland Paris with Michael for 3 days at the end of the holiday so yayayayayay!!!!!! So excited about that it's obscene. Unfortunately, it also means I can't spend any money for a while...

Well, that's about it from me, can't think of anything interesting or pity to say, except that I do read all your journals, even if I myself am awful at updating.
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