Another Update

Aug 14, 2015 21:38

I had my surgery, an outpatient laparoscopic cholesysectomy, on Monday afternoon.  The procedure went well.  The nurses and doctors in the surgical suite and recovery area were great, and really made me comfortable, insofar as a procedure that leaves one looking and feeling like they've had the wind knocked out them can be comfortable.

Some of you following on Facebook know I posted about my hospital bracelet.  For the rest, below the standard issue white hospital bracelet I was given a second, red one marked with any allergies.  I have only one allergy: peanuts/cashews.  So I was wheeled into surgery labeled as "NUTS."  Really, you kind of had to be there.

They really go out of their way to make you comfortable in the operating room.  Blankets. Compression tubes for the calves to keep them warm/circulation going.  A pillow.  The only thing lacking was some soft jazz in the background.  Strange thing is: I don't remember going to sleep.  I had the anesthesia mask placed on my chest but not affixed yet: the anethesiologist must have introduced the anesthesia out of sight, through my IV.

And about that IV, whatever liquid they put into it to hydrate me with, I had to pee every 20 minutes for 24 straight hours afterward! Even Ru lost his patience with me and abandoned ship--my bed--after the first 12 trips.

Can you actually believe the surgeon left the gallstones for me to take home?  Four of them, the size of marbles.  What does he expect me to do with them, make a necklace?  Now that they're out of me, I don't want them back.

I'm off pain meds now, because it's really just deep bruising that's already clearing up.  Next Thursday I have the stitches removed, and then--YES--I can enjoy a long hot soak instead of showers and sponge baths.  I can't drive yet.  Only today have I tried writing.  Not much is coming out, I'm even kind of slow on Twitter, but it's coming.

writing, personal

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