Argh, again I am supposed to be in school on placement and again poorly daughter has put a stop to that!
So, a list to make the most of another unexpected day at home...
- Sort out bedding in living room and open curtains
- Wash breakfast pots
- Fold and put away dry washing
- Clean bathroom windowsill
- Clean top of toilet cistern
- Empty bathroom floor
- Sweep and mop bathroom floor
- Wash load
- Wet washing on radiators
- Update MS Money with recent transactions
- Write a thank you letter/Christmas card to M&A
- Thank you letter to P
- Sort out all the rubbish on the hall floor and stairs
- Fill in application form for WS job and get it emailed off
- Clear piles of stuff that are building up on dining table
- Set a loaf going in the breadmaker
- College work: Look at N's email and forward it to A
- College work: Make a start at writing the planned essay - target 500 words by end of today