Happy New Year to all my readers!

Dec 31, 2009 15:13

It is nearly 2010, and many people all over my friends list are doing reflective 2009 posts, and reflective 'the past decade' posts.

I don't feel like doing any of that; this past year has been tough and I have done an immense amount of reflecting as things have happened - I don't want to go back over the same ground again! And the past decade has been one in which many things have changed but in some ways lots have things have been the same; at the beginning of 2000 I was the mum to Little One aged 17 months and had Little Two growing in my tummy; I guess this has been a decade of parenting small children, and life tends to pass you by while that is happening! *g*

More than ever this past year, I have learned to live my life one day at a time, not thinking too far ahead or worrying too much about what is going to happen tomorrow / next week / next month / next year. And so today for me is just a day, and tomorrow will be another day, and the fact it is a new year and a new decade is somewhat irrelevant to the way I am trying to live my life now.

What I can say though, without a shadow of a doubt, is that tonight I will see the dawn of a new year with my sanity and my peace of mind intact, feeling happy with the person that I am, and enjoying the moment. None of that could be said of this time last year! There is no dread of the immediate or the long term future, today. Just me and my family and my friends, muddling along one day after another. And that feels Very Very Good.

Here endeth the lesson, thanks be to God! ;-)

2009, new year, me, serenity, parenting

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