Today needs a List

Apr 29, 2009 09:48

There may well be more added to this as the day goes on, I'll see how quickly I get the stuff that's on it done!

- Wash my breakfast bowl
- Wash and dry my hair
- Set wash load going
- Sweep bathroom floor
- Clean bathroom surfaces
- Clean bath
- Clean loo
- Clean sink
- Phone Tiscali (on my mobile) about the fact we can't phone out from the landline
- If I haven't heard from Tax Credits in the post today, phone them and ask what is going on - I need to BUDGET dammit!
- Town. Return library books and get a couple of things for L3 for her birthday (on Friday)
- Sew up the hole in L3's beanbag
- Hang out wash load
- 15 minutes' work in L1&3's room
- 15 minutes' work in L2's room

Updates with crossings off will appear in due course. The sunshine is motivating me nicely at the moment. :-)

to do, list

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