Pinched from
Ordinary Courage and
mrsrevj Thing is, I've been shooting my mouth off blogging away on here so long that I am not sure I can find 16 things that nobody knows! I will probably have to resort to 16 things that some of you might not know... ;-)
1. I am really really squeamish about... fingernails. I hate mine being anything but incredibly short, but also hate cutting them. And can't stand the idea of biting them. And -eeeeeeek!- filing them! The whole idea of someone else doing a manicure on me makes me go all peculiar. *Shudders*
2. I also really hate the idea of any sort of massage. Especially my neck and shoulders. Nobody touches those except me!
3. I once, aged 16, fooled my mother into thinking I was an actual French person, over the phone. That was a triumph indeed!
4. My summer job whilst at Uni was as a sock pairer in my Dad's sock factory.
5. I don't like balloons. I have this irrational fear they are going to burst in my face just to spite me. Even when they are over the other side of the room.
6. I collect car registration numbers.
Sort of. I did not pinch the idea from Richard Herring, I'd been doing it for years and years before I found his webpage!
(This is ridiculous, I need TEN more and I'm already really struggling to think of things!!)
7. When I was in the sixth form, I used to RUN home from school in time to watch a children's programme called Simon and the Witch. I loved it.
8. I was not a cool sixth former. Can you guess? ;-)
9. Whenever I walk down a flight of stairs, I have a vision of myself falling to the bottom of said stairs. Every single time. So far it has never come true.
10. My favourite poem of all time is The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
11. My favourite song of all time is Walk Of Life by Dire Straits. Ok so everybody must know this already but I'm getting a bit desperate for ideas now...
12. I drove into the back of a bus in 1993 (the only thing hurt was my pride... oh and my Dad's car, a bit...), and I still get 'flashbacks' now every single time I overtake a bus.
13. All three times I gave birth, I overdosed on the Entonox and disappeared so far into space that I thought I might never return!
14. Yes I have an addictive personality... ;-)
15. My favourite album of all time is Invisible Touch by Genesis.
16. Tim and I once slept out under the stars in a field near Macclesfield and only realised in the morning we'd been sharing the field with a herd of cows.