As I fully expected, I didn't go back to bed when I got home this morning. It is lunchtime now and so far today I have achieved the following (gosh it is all a million times simpler when there isn't a lively four year old in the house!):
- Got everyone to school, on time and with everything they needed (I hope)
- Phoned the hairdresser and booked a haircut for Thursday morning. At long LAST! Hair currently resembles a very badly clipped hedge...
- Phoned my mum and arranged various bits of babysitting. Bless her she is wonderful and I do know just how lucky I am. :-)
- Been to Tesco for the next lot of shopping I could carry on foot. Rather overestimated my strength and my arms were falling off by the time I got home. However, inspired entirely by
tiggsybabes, the shopping included organic fair trade drinking chocolate, squirty cream and marshmallows so that was a nice reward!
- Watched Tess of The D'Urbervilles from Sunday night on iPlayer. I've always been very fond of the book, so was keen to see how the BBC would adapt it. It was superb and I loved it. Couldn't help shouting 'EWWWWWW you are a complete SLEAZEBAG!' at the screen (well, at Alec) once or twice...
- Sorted and put away the washing which I got dry on the line yesterday.
- Cleaned the bathroom - a long overdue job and it is actually nice to go in there again now rather than a health hazard ;-)
- Stuck the cover back on my beloved old puffin paperback of Pigeon Post because after being read about a zillion times, this most recent re-read was finally too much for it. What a genius book it is. One of my favourite Ransomes (along with Swallowdale and The Picts and The Martyrs. And We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea. Better stop before I list the entire series...
Goodness me. Listed like that, it looks a longer and more impressive list than it actually felt like, doing it! I think I will pat myself on the back and go and make a sandwich with some of the rather nice ham I bought on the butcher's stall on the market yesterday. :-) Friends of the School meeting later on. No doubt that will bring yet more dates to add to the diary!