Jan 06, 2011 21:54
First: I got a call back from Southwest! They called initially yesterday, gave me until noon today to call them back, and we ended up playing phone tag for a little while later in the afternoon before doing a phone interview. I will hopefully get another call in a week or two to set up a face-to-face interview. Fingers crossed!
Second: My dad apparently does not know the game "Duck, duck, goose." Murray (25), her maid-of-honor Ann (26), LVA (21) and I (22) demonstrated for him. Ann ended up in the middle.
Third: Dad and Murray were practicing for the Father-Daughter dance. He fails at the waltz, but says he can do the Bump! He and Mom just demonstrated for us what exactly the Bump is. Mom was laughing so hard that Dad bumped her into the TV.
we are all so very strange,
sleep deprivation,