Apr 14, 2007 19:59
LJ just ate my entry. Again. Not happy right now...
I like this new piece. No, really - I do. In fact, I love this piece. And I'm going to keep telling myself this until I overcome the all-but-irresistable urge to strangle it.
The smoothing process is going rather bumpily. Doesn't that rather defeat the purpose? But at least it's going. I ended up throwing an entirely new melody into the piece, breaking up one that was too repetitive. Both pieces of that melody-segment are still in the song, but now they're separated by several bars' worth of the other. Unfortunately, the song was originally somewhat...'pompous' isn't the best way to describe it, but that's all I can think of...whereas the new segment is considerably more dramatic. It fits, just not as well, and I'm having trouble reconciling the two parts.
I had a lot more originally, but I really don't want to retype it right now...LVA's prom is tonight, though. I hope it goes better for her than mine did - I was the token girl sobbing in the bathroom stall...