thank goodness. the season of messed up sleeping schedules is now over. i had my thirteen hour-long catch-up sleep, so i'm ok again. dinner, a movie, and ice cream with lonna was my last--thing.
well... i guess i COULD go to eucharist wednesday night (worship service at school). i told lonna i probably couldn't cause i probably worked, but i just checked and i don't. she mentioned it cause joel (who's now in washington at optometry school) is gonna be there. i always thought joel gave me way too much credit for being cool:) he came over to my room to hang out once last year for like four hours, and i was too polite to tell him i was in the middle of reading some shakespeare play that had to be done the next day. it's always been a mystery to me why camp people have this set idea that i'm really cool. maybe because, as a daycamp leader, i let them break rules more than i should have:) or because i always had a funny story to share at the end-of-the-week staff meetings, about things like how when i'd been praying with my campers, a couple had prayed for me to find a boyfriend:) man, that was funny.
anyway, i don't think i'm going to go. i'll go next time sarah visits. it's too weird to go to something i went to every week for four years and not see the people who i used to see every week. ...but it would be fun to see heidi, beth, manda, katie, nicole, brian, scott, joel, kirksville... maybe paul and christine:) but they're probably still more a reason not to go than the opposite. happy for them, love them both, don't want to see them holding hands.
i'll go back to school to visit sometime soon, honestly. scott and i have a standing dinner date to catch up. heidi, sarah, and i need to watch my scary movies. paul emailed to say he misses hanging out with me. i'd love to say hi to some of my old profs who i've been harassing for letters of recommendation for months. i need to buy my favorite school meal: a bag of popcorn and bottle of mt. dew. that substituted for lunch when i had classes over noon for soooo many semesters.
this is the point, in my real journal, at which i would start listing things i miss about school and things i don't miss. i guess i'll do that here too.
and now, things i miss about school
*my daily bag of popcorn and bottle of mt dew, bought with my school id
*coming home to find my friends sitting in the living room doing homework/watching tv
*scholtz classes
*hedeen classes
*mtv marathons on weekends with sarah
*texas roadhouse with sarah
*walks till 3 or 4 am
*having internet access in the same room as my bed
*eucharist and chapel
*studying with classmates for scholtz classes
*walking through campus at night
*working at the writing center
*walking downtown for movie nights
*the graphics lab
*groups of camp friends talking after eucharist
*making silly projects for class
things i don't miss about school
*p.r.s. (paul related stress)
*having "discussions" with dana about differences between our camps
*feeling overwhelmed with work