trying to describe myself and some inside jokes

Dec 01, 2003 22:57

here's what i learned about myself today. i think my most overwhelming personality trait in rl is how laid back i am. my friends at camp always told me that, and i never believed it, but i was watching some videos today of random things--school projects, the time my suite tried to do real world, a tape from the first day camp closing program i led as a leader--and i was struck by how... laconic i was? is that the word i want? no, it's not. it applies too, but i meant--sleepy looking, almost. my eyes are always just half open, i don't move hurriedly, and i tend to just smile at irritants instead of getting upset. even when i feel high energy and am jumping like a maniac or something, i think i still retain my low-key demeanor. does that make sense? is that possible? i can be obsessing or going nuts in my head, but it's a guarantee no one would ever notice unless i admitted it.

once you get to know me, i suppose quirky sense of humor rates right up there as an identifying trait with being laid back. those were the two comments i got most as a day camp leader. i'd make my teams fill out evaluations at the end of every week. their highlights were almost invariably staff bonding time (i'd plan fun stuff for my teams, like looking for a rollar skating rink that actually closed down four or five years ago, and letting them swim during the adult swim time at the pool), and their collective way-to-go comments for me were that they appreciated the laid back leadership style (i would add that it was too laid back at times) and sometimes humor helped in tough situations. the best comment i think i got all summer was that i made this girl feel like what she said and thought really mattered and was important. my biggest drawback was (no surprise) dicipline:) yeah... i really sucked at that. i tended to think it was kinda funny when the kids went absolutely nuts. in fact, i tended to think it was pretty funny when things went poorly, in general:) well... the one time things went REALLY poorly, that wasn't so much funny... but when things go mildly poorly, like when i didn't realize that our closing program was going to be outside in the park. normally, that wouldn't matter, but we had a piano instead of a guitar player that week, so our closing program had to be entirely a capella:) man that was funny:) or when i arranged this action song so that the kids had to go really quickly from falling down to a joyful dance:) that always struck me as hilarious for some reason. that song was killer funny to lead in general. i always screwed it up, then i'd start laughing and screw it up even more:) it was on my video, and i laughed till my eyes watered:) and i laughed at how, when i asked the kids if they'd had a lot of fun that week, the only ones yelling back at me were counselors:) i got the same response when i told the parents how fun i thought their kids were:) blank stares. anyway, i could go on all day with funny day camp stories, but most of them are probably you-had-to-be-there type things.

wait. what am i talking about? what did i start off talking about? i've completely lost any connection to coherence. geez, that's the second time i've done that on here today.

oh, that reminds me. i'm an idiot. it has been decided:) that is all. *sigh* i never learn...

riverside, self

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