i'm at the second and more real stage of "wow. everyone's gone." finals are done, so students are mostly gone. nathaniel and bill are in america. mark and maybe david are in beijing. steve is out till wednesday, visiting students at home. dar is out just for the day, with teachers from other schools. the only other foreign teacher left is george, who never leaves his room. so it's just me right now, hanging out.
my room is all messy and cluttered again. already. sonnuva monkey.
the store in the basement has closed for the break. i now have to walk a block away to buy coke. i just did that.
i want to read today, but realaudio streaming episodes of "this american life" are addictive.
the episode i'm listening to now is talking about swearing and kids. this expert says that by-in-large, all kids swear. ok, i agree with knowing the words and what they mean. and a lot of kids swear, this is true. i remember one or two instances of swearing at friends for shock value when i was really young. but outside those couple times, i didn't even say "ass" until high school. my sophomore year? am i weird? i still don't use typical swear words very much, even though i don't have much of a moral objection against it. i use my own, more fun and nonsense swear words.
one of the best episodes of TAL i've listened to so far is
this episode. it's about a performance of hamlet that's put on in a prison by prisoners. so good. seriously. it's worth your hour.
dar says she's lost 35 pounds since coming here so far. bill's family has never seen him so skinny. steve, up until about a month ago, had lost a bunch of weight, noticably so. george's clothes are loose now, too. i think i'm staying pretty constant. it's the oreos and coke.
i bought a universal remote to replace the lost dvd remote. but i don't know how to program it.
i can't believe how lazy and unproductive i'm feeling. i feel frustrated when i get like this.
Poll cursing