hey! they were talking about me on npr today. you too,
they talked about how us under 25ers are taking the brunt of the job shortage. brunt? is that right? ...ok, right enough. anyway, last time our age group was so unemployed was 1948. the number of people employed over the age of 50 has actually risen the past few years. and the reason the statistics say the job market is improving, even though less new jobs are being created, is because a lot of the my-age people are getting discouraged and just stopping their job searches. we're moving back in with our parents and deciding to go back to school to weather the storm. not only have i moved back in with my parents and do i have plans to go back to school, but i'm getting the heck out of here for work for a year.
maybe canada has more jobs.
shalilajupiter, is this true? aside from your cheaper perscription drugs, do you have jobs for people like me?
sometimes i think i should make greeting cards for a living. i know cgd, and i've been told my wit is of the type often found in the greeting card:) i actually had a high school teacher tell me that once. well... not that my wit was just right, but that my brevity in answering his questions on worksheets:) efficiency, my friends.
watched my new dvd of bend it like beckham yesterday. am i a fool for not figuring out how that movie was going to end? was it totally obvious and i'm just no good at figuring out movies? i mean, the whole romance angle. did any of you watch it and figure it out right away? anyway, it surprised me the first time, but on a second viewing, it seems like the obvious ending. maybe i was just expecting the unconventional ending. or... conventional? this is hard to explain without spoiling the movie for you.
ow. i've made my finger bleed. it's the thinking too hard that's done it.
i spent a few hours yesterday wallowing in my may term in england memories. i'm so used to looking back at things with rose-colored glasses, remembering things as better than they were, but that three weeks was just great on its own. every day better than the last. i know i'm not just making that up either, cause i journalled. except for a 12 hour or so period, it was fantastic. but it's hard for me to know what i'm missing what i feel like this. do i miss the places? the experience? the person? and i really do have to say person instead of people, because ... well, it's just more appropriate. anywho, i dunno:)
oh hey, and speaking of, looking back at pictures, i was reminded of how much cuter paul is with shorter hair and no beard. it shouldn't, but it just KILLS me that he's hiding his good looks. it's been so long since i've seen him and been struck by how cute he is that i was kind of forgetting.