Writer's retreat take 2

Feb 23, 2011 16:35

 As you may know, I'm a big fan of writer's retreats. I crave the chance to get away from daily concerns and immerse myself in my writing. At least once a year, I do a solo retreat. But I also like to retreat with other writers.

Today, I did a retreat with members of my critique group. We had planned to go to La Conner, a lovely little town in the Skagit Valley, just north of Seattle. But with snow predicted, we decided it wasn't such a wise idea to make the drive. Instead we did an in-town "stay- cation."

We started in funky Columbia City, where  found the heavenly Columbia City Bakery. There we powered up our laptops and sampled such treats as miniature p. b. and J. cookies (yum!), muffins, and sandwiches on to-die-for bread. Plenty of coffee - and in my case, tea - was consumed as well.

After a couple of hours we started feeling restless, so after a stop at a fun consignment store, we headed up to Capital Hill, where some of us had lunch and wrote some more at The Canterbury (killer tater tots!), and others took a stroll along the cold but not yet snowy streets. Then we reconvened at Cafe Ladro for more pastries, tea and coffee and, of course, more writing.

It hasn't snowed yet, but I don't regret spending a day in town in the company of friends doing what I love most: writing!

What about you? Is there a particular place you like to go to get away from it all and commune with your muse? And eat pastries?

writer's retreat

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