May 28, 2008 13:22
It comes to this:
When I even so much as think that I may know what is best for another on their journey, I am making a judgment. I have come to know it is IMPOSSIBLE to judge another without judging some aspect of my Self.
I have known this for some time, though too often have my actions been incongruous with this understanding. Too frequently do I find my Self discussing how another 'ought' to be handling some detail of their life. I expend energy on frustration at their missing the lesson. What sort of attitude toward my own growth does this reveal?
There are also times when, instead of grumbling about someone, I pray for their learning to unfold exactly as it must in accordance with the Grand Harmony. I release my wishes, trusting Wind to carry those seeds, trusting Sun & Rain to nurture their Desire to be born. Then, with eyes turned inward, I look to dis.cover what I can do within my Self to effect the change I wish to see.
Less of the former, more of the latter.
Dying periodically is perfectly natural.
My thought is this:
Ignorance is a phase Innocence moves through
on her journey to become Wisdom.
"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." in deed.
I Love...