hole in a paper plate

May 05, 2004 16:53

In honor of cinqo de mayo, I've had pulled yucatan pork salad from the 12th St. Cantina and a diet coke with lime. And cookies, since someone randomly gave us a box of them.

I had an incredibly productive morning, which is actually a good thing, since all work ground to a standstill while I stared at this picture, and, uh, this picture.. Fuck. You gotta look at that shit through a hole in a paper plate.

Verdict: I'm not sure I can see this movie with the Bandit without losing the last tattered shreds of my dignity. On the one hand, last night, the Bandit evinced shock and irritation that I was not "The most popular Harry Potter pornographer [sic] on the internet". On the other hand, look at his thumb! I, I, ...and..yes.

Okay, forget it: I said goodbye to my dignity years ago, when I first decided to write a Sentinel story, or perhaps even before that, when I read the entire Voyage Slash Archive, yes, even the Tuvok/Kim stories, yes, even the Chakotay/Tom Paris Domestic Discipline Stories, yes, even the story where Harry and Tom are turned into panthers every night for the rest of their lives, don't ask me why I can recall the intimate details of stories I read in 1997, because I can't tell you. I mean, what's a little strictly PG-13 ogling, at this point? The real reason I can't see this movie with the Bandit is because I can't clutch his hand and make odd noises.

You know what you don't see much of these days? Domestic discipline stories. I like to believe it's because we've made a great social leap forward, and people who want to see some hot spanking just write a freakin' spanking story and don't feel bad about it anymore, and feel the need to submerge the pervy spanking beneath a totally weird plot device. If you don't know what domestic discipline stories are, feel good; the world is a better place, now that people can just admit that there's a time and place for some hot spanking.

Now I'm going to talk about Law and Order: SVU. For starters, just me, or is Meloni's motivation is always: "I love my wife and KIDS. and my MOM! and by extension, ALL the Ladies! but not like that! in a protective way! I will fuck your SHIT UP! because Meloni be takin' care of his ladies!" And since this is obviously the case, why does everyone always act like this lady partner is the loose canon? because Meloni is always one step away from just randomly starting to kick the shit out of people. I'm really not sure sex crimes is a very good place for him; I bet he's always trying to tell his daughters about sexual predators, and they listen, because they love him, but they're all "yeah, yeah, all men want to kidnap me and rape me and tie me up in the basement of a synagogue and strangle me, except for when it turns out to be their repressed half-sister who was beaten by nuns and my uncle as a child. gotcha, dad."

I haven't watched a Law and Order in years where I didn't say "uh, isn't this..entrapment?" Also, they seem to have hired BD Wong, who hasn't aged since my college roommate and I used to watch made for television movies with him on this random UHF channel we could pull in, and theorized that only one hot asian dude was allowed to be in movies at once. BD Wong knows his stuff. Last night, all the random detectives were all "let's go shoot someone! entrapment!" and BD Wong was all "yeah, well, you're all wrong." Also, there was this one suspiciously hot bit where first Christopher Meloni demonstrated choking BD Wong with a rope, and then they changed places. oh, shreds of dignity; really, I don't miss you much at all.
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